Compliance & Quality Remain Our Top Priority

Steel Lintels

Steel lintels provide some of the most important structural load support in  our homes and buildings, protecting clear openings from the loads above them. It’s crucial that they’re designed to last.

If your materials aren’t compliant with the necessary building standards, then your structures suffer—and it puts people’s homes and lives at risk.

We set the standard for quality

At Galintel, we’ve been manufacturing for over 40 years and have remained committed to compliance and quality. When we talk compliance, we’re serious. Our business is here to make sure our product is safe, reliable, and compliant, backed by the work of technical, engineering and product teams.

So, in 2022, when the National Construction Code (NCC) was updated to ratify new standards for steel lintel compliance (which will be adopted by states and territories on 1 May 2023), our products were already meeting these standards.

This means when you purchase a Galintel Steel Lintel, you can rest assured that it’s designed and manufactured to comply with the labelling and R3 durability requirements of AS2699.3:2020 (Built-in components for masonry construction, Part 3: Lintels and shelf angles (durability requirements).  Not sure what this means?  

To achieve this, every Galintel steel lintel is hot-dip galvanised and tested, making sure that the coating on every one exceeds 85 microns in thickness. Products come marked with our manufacturer’s details for easy identification post installation – not something you ever want to worry about.

Concrete Lintels

How to ensure compliance in your steel lintels

There’s an easy way to check to ensure that the steel lintels your use in your projects are compliant with the 2022 NCC.

Every steel lintel manufactured in Australia MUST have clear identification markings.

For us, these come in the form of a stamped Galintel logo and an Australian Standard number and are clearly labelled to show the name, size, length, unit weight, month/year of manufacture and durability classification. Some of our lintels also have large logo branding making it super easy to spot.

All Galintel Steel Lintels are clearly marked as Galintel R3 and have been hot-dip galvanised to provide the appropriate protection to be the R3 durability requirements. If you don’t see that marking, you can’t be certain that it complies with the AS2699.3:2020 durability requirements.

Also, you can always tell a genuine Galintel Solid Base Angle product by its unique ribbed profile and Australian Made logo. If you don’t see these clear markers, it’s not Galintel.

How to know you're getting a quality product built to last

Ensuring that our steel lintels meet our high standard of quality is part and parcel of what we do. The process is built into our hybrid supply chain model with checks and balances throughout our production process.  And an important element of this is offering our iron-clad guarantee, which ensures that every single Galintel® product is free from defects, both in its material and in workmanship.

We’ve also had them independently appraised and load tested to ensure that products are for purpose with reliable and trustworthy engineering load tables. This extra step provides added peace of mind to assure engineers, builders, and homeowners that they’re designed and tested to meet the relevant sections of AS3700:2001 – Masonry structures standard.


Galintel® is Australia’s leading designer and manufacturer of high quality steel lintel bars

Retaining Wall Posts

The Galintel Retaining Wall Post system provides an “all-in-one solution”

How we’re leading the way

At Galintel, our aim is to deliver quality and reliability in every product. We’re advocates for better building materials for all of Australia and believe our role as market leaders is to ensure the rest of the industry does the same. We’re proud to uphold these standards and deliver safer, stronger products for our customers.

Learn more about how to spot a compliant steel lintel by visiting the link below or contact our team to organise a lintels training session.

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